Category Archives: Financial Independence

Don’t kill the hen that lays the golden eggs

A lot of us have heard this story since we were kids and here is a refresher. A man had a hen that laid a golden egg for him each and every day. The man was not satisfied with this … Continue reading

Posted in Dividends, Financial Independence | 2 Comments

Year By Year Portfolio Stats

First, let me tell you why I am posting this.  When I am reading other sites, it helps me see how they did it with real numbers.  It triggers something inside me and it just makes it more real or … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Independence, Net Worth, Our Story | 3 Comments

Why FI?

Freedom. Security. Choices. Fun.  Those are all words that describe Financial Independence to us. Wouldn’t it be great to have the freedom to choose fun, important work and know that you have the security of a regular income stream?  Now … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Independence, Our Story | 1 Comment